Ramsons Innovations has on its staff professionals experienced in delivering wide range of strategic and advisory services. We can help our clients in enhancing better ROI by aligning IS/IT more closely with the business goals. In fact in today’s business scenario, technology is a business enabler, no longer a back office tool. Our professionals help our clients towards this goal.
We collaborate with you in making sure the following are given due consideration before finalizing your technology direction:
Current IS/IT portfolio - structure, roles and responsibilities, skills, strategy and plans, user satisfaction, business drivers, current infrastructure, profile of resources, budgets and governance system).
Role of IS/IT in the business strategy - ability to deliver the intended business results.
Alignment and integration of business and IT strategy – the missing links.
Effectiveness - ability of IS/IT to address current pains and gains.
Bottom line – cost vs. benefit of existing IS/IT solutions.
Opportunities for better use of IS/IT.
Constraints for IS/IT.
Some of our services include IS/IT strategy development, business case development, ROI analysis, feasibility studies, and technology evaluations.